jairus daughter sunday school lesson

Free Christian Sunday School Lessons
Jairus & Daughter (Luke
| Make.
Christian based childrens resources, games, crafts, worksheets, full lessons, and resources for teachers. Featuring the bible heroes, cartoon characters that teach
Jesus Heals Jairus' Daughter Preschool.

This free Bible lesson for preschoolers covers the story from Mark 5 where Jesus raises a dead girl back to life. Includes age-appropriate learning activities.
Jesus Heals Jairus' Daughter: Children's.
Print off this free lesson plan for kids Sunday School. It teaches the story from Mark 5 where Jesus heals a young girl. This was first prepared for older elementary.
How to share God's Word with children (by Mary) Scripture Reference: Mark 5:21-43. Story Overview: A synagogue ruler named Jairus had a little girl who was dying.
Sunday School Lessons By Rev. Chris Lowe - LightStream Productions ...